Saturday, February 14, 2009

So, this week was a pay week..

That helped me feel really good about working, even though I am still having a lot of reservations about the missed time with my family. I was able to pay my babysitter (she's pretty cheap, she'll only take $50 a week). I also paid our car insurance bill for the next 6 months and still have $100 left over to save. So i was really pleased to see me helping out with the bills.

I think it's looking more like the full time hours won't last long though and I'm totally fine with that, honestly i'd love to just work 2-3 days a week. I think I can easily be happy with no time too. The reason i think it won't stay full time for much longer is that there is another biller coming back to work at the end of March. Plus when the girl that's going out to have a baby comes back there really won't be any work for me. So i figure enjoy the bigger checks while they last (I'm guessing maybe through the end of March) and put the money to good use and then just see what happens.


Diana said...

Awesome, Sarah! :)

The Roaming Home said...

YAY! That first check makes it so much easier!

Ellen said...

The paycheck does give you a reward for going. I am glad that you are able to help out with the finances. That is why I go to work as well. And good that you can see part time in the future. Hopefully the hours will work out for you guys financially as well as getting to spend some time at home.