Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sometimes families can be so disappointing...

So it was Faith's birthday party today (as i said this morning) and it ended well but the beginning was full of typical family drama, typical when my sister is around anyway. Dad made an innocent comment, that yes, he shouldn't have (but mom also knew full well Dad didn't want to be around my sister, so she had warning). My sister of course had to make a big crying, feel sorry for herself scene, to which yes i shouldn't have responded but i said something to the effect of "knock it off, we aren't having this today" "go into the bathroom and pull yourself together and come have pizza". Of course she had to continue and sit there and blubber like a friggin idiot and i lost it and said "this is our day, not your day, you just have to make it all about you". So then i turn around and start getting pizza out and my mom and she both grab their stuff and leave. I told mom "please don't leave, everyone just relax" to which she responded a stinging "no, it's your day, so have it". I am very angry at both of them, i really don't blame dad what he said wasn't a huge deal and everyone there was thinking the same thing and biting their tongue. In a normal situation most people would have just gone on and bit their tongue and not made a scene, but oh no, not my drama loving sister, sit there and cry and make a fool of yourself. I pulled myself together after they left and had a nice party for Faith just the same. Pictures will follow tomorrow probably.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Ahhh, I am so sorry that drama invaded Faith's big day. Sometimes family members are so not cool. :(